Information about Argentina

The regions in brief

Argentina is in the world as the eighth largest country. To the north it borders Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay, the latter located northeast of Buenos Aires. ⠀

Along the Andes, western Argentina borders Chile. Here are the highest peaks on the continent. In this country the mountains of the south, the desert of the Northwest plateau seem far removed from the bustling activity of Buenos Aires as well as the grasslands of Las Pampas with the dazzling waterfalls and the subtropical jungle of Iguazú.
The land of geographic diversity is reflected in the people: the contrast of the large immigrant population and the indigenous population of the Northwest makes Argentina the most fascinating tourist destination in South America.
Many of the people who spend at least a week in Argentina must choose between traveling to Iguazú Falls and the Northwest, to see the spectacular Iguazú falls, both on the Brazilian and Argentine side, so you need at least 2 full days. A visit to the surprising geographic region of the Northwest, where Argentina began the history and the traces of the Inca influence that still appear, requires 3 or more days.

Entry and Customs Requirements
For more information regarding longer stays, employment, or other types of visas, contact the embassies or consulates of your home country.

Currency: The official currency is the Argentine Peso.
The money is denominated in the notes of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 pesos and coins of 1, 2, 5, 10 pesos.
Money exchange: American dollars are widely accepted in Buenos Aires and can be used to pay for taxis, hotels, restaurants and shops. (In fact, many ATMs in Buenos Aires give US dollars, as well as pesos.)
But keep a few pesos on hand though, because US dollars are less useful in rural areas (and places to exchange money are less common), in order to plan ahead. You can convert your currency at hotels, exchange houses (money, exchange houses), some banks, and at the Buenos Aires airport.
It is difficult to change Travelers Checks outside the capital. Therefore, we recommend that you carry enough pesos when venturing into small towns in Argentina.
Credit Cards: If you choose to use plastic instead of cash, Visa, American Express, Master Card, Diners Club are commonly accepted. However, when negotiating, take note: some smaller establishments will give you a better price if you pay in cash.
Credit cards are accepted in most hotels, restaurants and taxis with the exception of small establishments. However, you cannot use credit cards at most attractions (museums, subways, etc.) and some taxis.

When to go
The seasons in Argentina are the opposite of those in the Northern Hemisphere.
Buenos Aires is ideal to visit in autumn (March-May) and spring (September-November), when temperatures are mild.
The beaches and the main tourist centers are full of Argentine citizens on vacation in summer (December-March), while Buenos Aires is left with very few people (hotel prices usually drop here in summer).
Travel to Patagonia in summer, when the days are longer and warmer.
Winter (June-August) is the best time to visit the Iguazu Falls and the Northwest, when the rains and heat have decreased, but spring (August-October) is also pleasant, since the temperatures are mild.
Argentina has the three main types of climate: warm, temperate and cold. This is due to its enormous extension, particularly in the north-south direction. In contrast to what happens in other latitudes, Argentina generally has four different seasons: autumn, winter, spring and summer.
In the same way, the seasons in Argentina are very marked, this means that when it is hot, it is on a large scale, the same happens when it is cold, that is, there is seldom an intermediate point.

Health and Insurance
Health: Argentina does not require vaccinations to enter the country, except for passengers from countries where cholera and yellow fever are endemic.
Most visitors to Argentina will find a diversity of food. Water and ice are considered safe to drink in Buenos Aires. Be careful with street food, especially in neighborhoods of Buenos Aires and cities outside the capital.
Apunamiento (altitude sickness): If you visit the Andes Mountains, be careful with the altitude sickness disease, known as puna or soroche, it is a temporary discomfort.
What to do if you get sick far from home? The medical services and staff in Buenos Aires and other urban areas in Argentina are very professional. Argentina has a state medicine system, where basic services are free. There are also private clinics.
You can buy travel health insurance.

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